All my life I’ve been the go to person for my my friends and family when they needed advice, support, or someone in their corner. In fact one of the earliest stories told about me is that at five years old I marched over to the neighbours house, after they'd said something about my 3 year old sister that I didn’t appreciate, knocked on their door, and when the mum answered gave her solid a telling off! At age five! And that’s the energy I bring to my calling as a mentor. I stand beside my clients as they do their work and I back them with my whole being. Wether it’s birthing a dream, creating a new business, navigating a big life change or healing their hearts, I support my clients to make their dreams come true.
But the real secret to why I’m such a good mentor is because I don’t do it alone. My mentoring work is unique and special because it’s where my innate caring meets my ability to channel the spirit world. When you work with me you also work with your Spirit Guides, and that means you get both my real world support and the magic of your Guides’ wisdom and foresight. It’s a potent blend of the practical and the mystical coming together to get you what you need.
As your mentor I meet you where you’re at and get you to where you want to go. So what do you want right now? What are you looking to achieve, heal, creative, solve, birth or change? I can get you there.
Over the last six years I've mentored clients from all over the world through all sorts of journeys:
Navigating a spiritual awakening,
Learning to communicate with their Spirit Guides,
Launching a new business,
Healing their body,
Overcoming a fear of public speaking,
Preparing their wedding day,
Embracing their sexuality and joyfully coming out,
Completing a very demanding and prestigious degree while also dealing with long term illness,
Healing from divorce,
Healing hurts through shadow work, inner child, work, mother wound work, ending self sabotage, increasing self esteem and self confidence,
Navigating life stages such as moving out of home, post divorce, mid life crisis and grief,
Calling in the love of their life.
My work is transcendental, joyful, practical and powerful. Whatever you’re going through, I’ve got you.
I am passionate about trauma informed care and empowering clients, and my process is tailored to accommodate persons unique needs. As your mentor I support you, guide you, hold you and help you, but I never try to force or control you.
‘I wasn't sure what to expect from working with Kirileigh but I can honestly say it has been absolutely life changing and I’m so thankful for it. Connecting to my higher self, energy, guides and angels has been the missing piece of my life. By opening up to, learning from, and being incredibly loved and supported by Kirileigh, I now feel complete. Kirileigh is profoundly gifted, kind, honest, smart as hell, very funny and simply a wonderful mentor and I can’t recommend her enough.’ - Lucy
‘Before my journey with Kirileigh I didn’t think I was a believer, then I was shown myself, time after time, and was gently and lovingly pushed by her to seek my truth. It wasn’t always pretty, but her support and astonishing clarity made it not just bearable but wonderful. She helped me open the right faucets of my soul and release others, depending on what I needed to discover at any precise point in time. So if you’re feeling stuck do yourself a favour and call her.’ - Dee
‘I'm so grateful that I met Kirileigh and our work together rocked my world. She bought me to internal places that I wasn't able to reach alone, and once I got there, I realised that everything is possible and that anything can change. Her words and her energy inspired and moved me deeply and some how she knows how to always ask the right questions at the right time. The process wasn’t always fun - sometimes it was hard to get so deep into myself and to face my fears, my vulnerable parts, and the sadness that came up. But the crazy thing is that tour fork together actually became my favourite part of my week, I looked forward to it, no matter what.’ - Sarah
Working with me is a bit like having genie in your pocket - I clear the path, show you how to get things done with ease and grace, guide you along the way, sprinkle fairy dust on your head and make miracles happen.
I offer two different processes depending on how deep you want to go - three or six months long. Show me the door you want to walk through and I'll show you the keys and help you open it wide up. Our work together will leave you glowing and flowing, and if you’re ready for change then this is exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Each mentoring process combines in person sessions, ongoing support, personal ritual, healing meditations and all the tools and techniques you need to achieve your goals.
I’d LOVE to talk with you more about how I can help you. Book a free session with me using the button below and let's make some magic together.
“I just spent a magical day with this incredible holy being Kirileigh Lynch. She is quite possibly one of the most super cool people I know. She gave me an energy reading / tune up that blew my mind. She’s connected to spirit in a way most of us can only dream off. If you’re feeling a bit stuck, confused, lost or overwhelmed I can’t encourage you enough to book a session with her. She works remotely too (skype etc.). So much insight and so much power manifest today. Thanks Kiz, you rock.”
“I had doubts about the reading process and made up lots of excuses about why I couldn’t do a reading - money, time etc. When I met her I felt so supported as she has such a magnificent energy. The process of connecting me to my higher spirits made me feel whole, safe, and at one with myself. I got so much guidance and so many answers and I no longer have any doubts. I can’t wait to do it again. Kirileigh is one of the most magical creatures you’ll ever meet and you’re lucky if she enter your life. She’ll rock your whole world.”