As an Energy Reader I offer energetic solutions to everyday problems. Often when there’s something big happening in our lives the things we’re seeing and feeling are the symptoms of the issue and not the actual cause of what’s going on. That’s where I come in! As a channel and intuitive I take you deeper to show you the what’s really happening.
When I work, I tune into and translate frequency, kinda like dialling up the cosmic radio station to get the latest news. As a channel I get completely out of the way and let the profound wisdom of your higher self come through. It’s a path of self healing and growth that bypasses the rational, thinking part of the brain and goes straight to the wisdom of your the spirit and energy system. You tell me the symptoms (feeling stuck, lost, looking for love, trying to create something, need a new job, can’t find an apartment, hurt by your family, can’t get pregnant, whatever it is) and I channel your spiritual support squad of guides to give you a deeper understanding of what’s really happening and how you can move through it. Because I’m connecting you to yourself my readings feels comfortable and safe - like slipping into a warm bath or being hugged by your favourite person.
The truly brilliant thing about energy readings is how practical they are. No really! You get your questions answered, and you also get a step by step guide to how to move forward. I call it a Process. A Process is where woo woo meets how too. It’s a step by step path that I channel from your spirit guides just for you. Each process is as individual as you are, and every one gets results. It a clear and achievable set of steps that lets you know exactly what you have to do in order to solve your problems and heal your hurts.
What are the benefits of a reading?
People come to me for readings for so many reasons - calling in a partner, finding a new career, releasing family trauma, understanding themselves better, healing a marriage, coming out, seeing patterns, increasing confidence, understanding their purpose, preparing for medical treatment, finding a new home, trying to get pregnant, even figuring out what car they should buy or country they should live in. And the great news is that in an energy reading the clearer the question you ask, the clearer the answer you receive. If only the rest of life was so simple!
I believe this level of connection to our spirit is a skill we all have, that in fact it’s our birthright. But if you haven’t figured out how to do it yet, then I can do it for you.